Located in Pennsylvania and servicing the nation for over 65 years

People Posts

Master Scraper Still at Work

Bob Boltz.

Today’s that ‘SPECIAL’ day for Bob Boltz.  As profiled a few years ago, February 6, 1974 was the long-ago starting point for Bob’s career at…


Kelly Ressler in the Peiffer Shop.

What does teamwork look like where you work?  At Peiffer, it’s whatever’s required to get the job done.  Sometimes, we’re like a football team, moving…

The Next Generation

BCTC Grad at Work.

Every spring and fall, we take the time to participate in the Occupational Advisory Committee meetings for our local Career and Technology Centers (back in…

The “Original” Peiffer Employee

Bob Boltz.

This past Friday marked 41 years of service to Peiffer Machine and its customers for Bob Boltz, the “original” Peiffer employee. Forty-one years! Who among…