Master Scraper Still at Work
Today’s that ‘SPECIAL’ day for Bob Boltz. As profiled a few years ago, February 6, 1974 was the long-ago starting point for Bob’s career at Peiffer Machine Services.
On this sunny Monday morning forty-three years later, I was greeted by our longstanding veteran. ‘It’s YOUR DAY!’ I offered cheerily. He paused and smiled, stopping his activity for a moment, saying quietly: ‘Yes—this is the day I started here with Paul Peiffer.’ He is humble and proud, all in the same smile.
I inquired if he could remember his very first day’s activities, and he could, with great clarity: he proceeded to describe that he and another ‘Original’ Peiffer employee, Tom, were charged with painting some lathes, which were soon to be returned to (what was then) RCA Corporation in Lancaster, PA. Bobby recalled that Mr. Peiffer stressed that the work had to be ‘top notch’, as RCA ‘was very fussy’ with the finish work on their machines.
Following that first project, Bobby recalled that he began learning how to hand scrape machine ways. Present day, at 43 years in the trade, he could easily be designated ‘Master Scraper’, if such a title was ever to be bestowed. At a recent video shoot, Bobby was captured doing what he does (if we dare say) better than anyone else on this planet….
As a Scraper in the world of machine tool repair and rebuilding, the work is slow and steady, requiring patience, finesse, and great attention to detail—not unlike many other fine art forms.
Listening to Bobby recount the high standards put in place at Peiffer, even in those earlier days of this growing company, makes us all feel pride in our continual pursuit of excellence. We get it, and we come by it honestly, as people nowadays like to say…. It started with our Founder and has been passed on through veteran employees, like Bobby, and likewise reinforced and upheld through the tenures of subsequent owners, Bob Ressler, then (son) Jim Ressler, and present day President (granddaughter), Kelly Ressler.
Our Mission Statement speaks the TRUTH about who we are and what we seek to do on a daily basis:
To build on Peiffer’s tradition of excellence in machine tool service and custom machine assembly, ensuring increased productivity for our customers and pride in work well done for our employees.
Humble and proud, we all are, on this special day.